Executive Functioning

People with ADHD take 10 times as long to remember routines

Posted by Leigh Boodoo on

People with ADHD take 10 times as long to remember routines
Do you have an ADHD child who struggles with routines⁉️ It's so confusing for parents to repeatedly go over routines and not have your children retain them...

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Do you know what neurodiversity is?

Posted by Leigh Boodoo on

Do you know what neurodiversity is?
Neurodiversity is a viewpoint that individual differences in brain functioning are regarded as normal within the human population. Neurodiverse people experience, interact and interpret the world in unique ways that sometimes create challenges...

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What Is In Your Executive Functioning Tool Box?

Posted by Leigh Boodoo on

What Is In Your Executive Functioning Tool Box?
Executive functioning skills include, starting and completing tasks, prioritizing tasks, holding onto information, staying focused and transitioning...

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